Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blog Challenge: 5 Things I could not possibly live with out

Hmm,  wow what can I live with out.  Really there isn't month,  i can always adapt, lol.

If i look over my life books is one thing I can't live with out,  I love to read, I enjoy every minute of it, even if the book is bad and I have read a few bad books.  It is my escape into another place when my world feels like its getting me down.

2) A sheet or a blanket,  I am the type who needs one to sleep, even on a hot day, just pull a sheet over me.  Its a comfort thing maybe, a security type of deal; either way it is something I need each day.

3) Veggies,  I am a huge veggie eatter and  i do not feel like myself if I haven't eatten even a little bit in a day

4)A secure space,  a place where I can go to feel safe; i know everyone wants one of those, but for me its somewhre i can have that i can be by myself and safe

Sorry Can't think of 5 at this time

Blog Challenge: A moment you wish to relive

If I look over my life there really isn't any moments I wish to relive for the good.  Although there are a number of ones I wish I could have relived to fix thigns I had done.  I know people say no regrets,  but I do have regrets that I wish I could go back and fix.

1)going back to when I met my ex,  I would have done things so differently back then
2)Kept my cat inside... not to lose my cat
3)Worked on my education sooner,  preventing myself to be in the debt I am in

Those are a short few things;  good moments would have been my graduating College,  and meeting Julie.  Had I know things I would have tried to find a way to meet her sooner. 

Challenge Post: Share your favorite recipe

Wow this one is kind of hard for me since I do not cook.  I mean there are a few things I can make but none involve a recipe.  I like this No bake Cherry Cheese cake that Julie made for me once.   But overall the best thing I make is my lasanga and well there is no recipe with that

See really I am not a cooker;  I don't mind the clean up, I don't mind helping prepare but I don't cook.  My attempts have never turned out well so really why waste my time trying.  I can cook enough to survive on my own if I had too, but really there is nothing special when it comes to my cooking.

SOme people have the skill, the knack for it, they have it in thier blood so to speak. For me,  i am not as far as burning water; I am not that bad... I think.

All I can really say is that I try...  Trying is the key thing in life

Blog Challenge : A favorite TV SHOW

Well I am a little behind but going to get caught up: Today's Topic: A favorite tv show

This is a pretty simple one for me, I don't have any favorite tv shows.  SUre I like shows here and there that I will turn to if  they are on.  COPS,  stuff like that, just because they show people at their worse and you wonder how they can be so wrong sometimes.  But also it shows me what life on the other side could be and I don't want to be there.

But in all honestly I don't have a favorite tv show; every time I start to get into a show it ends up taken off the air.  So once I realized that,  I really just started disconnecting myself from tv.   The other thing with tv when it comes to me is one season I might like the show, the next season and even the one after that may bore me and I don't watch, and then I come back for the fourth season.   I am really an all over the place tv watcher. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day Three blog... a couple of days too late

Favorite book:

Favorite book, I have a couple.  One book is The Alchemist.  The book changed my life.  

At the time I started reading it,  back at the time I was at a cross road in my life,  and reading it  made me sit and start rethinking things.  In the end its about a journay into ones own self.   The book did just that to me, made me think about what was going on in my life and where I wanted to me.

Other books I have read really  there are a few romances that really I have reread a few times.  In all of them the female is strong, making it on her own or trying too but life  has gotten to them.  The men all are there protective and letting them be themselves an work on things themselves.   Really Its hard for me to verbalize why these books are my favorites but  they appeal to me

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day two Challenge: A Favorite Movie

Hmm,  this one isn't that hard for me,  I have had the same favorite movies for a few years. I am a horror movie fan so my favorite movie is Night of the living dead, although  Pumpkin head is a second favorite.  I think in a way my mind believes heck these thigns could happen.  Night of the living dead started off with the government/military leaving chemials  in barrols that leak out and  cause dead people to be zombies.  With the way things are now a days,  we could have that.   The government and the military has so many secrets and could have been working on a project just like that . 

Pumpkin head is really about a creature that was summoned due to revenage. It kinds of reflects of human nature and the evil that is inside of us so easy to unleash

For now horror was Ten things I hate about you,  not sure why I liked that movie but really got into it

Three other movies that I enjoy to rewatch was Jurasic park, Speed and Congo, to which I haven't seen in years.  When I first seen Jurasic park I must have watched it another four times that weekend..  I really got into it

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog Challenge Day one

Write about some of the teachers you had growing up and why you did or did not like them

Wowie, teachers growing up, over there years there was some I did like and others I really could not stand. Elementry, with the way the school was set up, when i moved up grades one of the teachers seemed to too. I didn't know whether to like her or dislike her, but there were days I down right could not stand her. And I honestly believe there was times she should have retired sooner. She had away of being nice and then a way of making you feel like you were the lowest thing possible. I had a different teacher for one grade who i really didn't get along with, and it could be because she taught french and I really can't do and still can't do french....

My music teacher in elementry was someone that helped me through a lot of elementry, she kept me going and encouraged me, made me feel included. Junior high, well that is a hard one, I honestly didn't really care for any of my teachers in JR high, although when my one teacher came back from leave after having her baby, the class got better, but really there wasn't one teacher I cared for there.

  Now highschool, wow there was more teachers there I didn't care for then I actually cared for. I wasn't a favorite, and did my own thing so my science teacher and I didn't see eye to eye and it could be, because I was no good at Science. There was one english teacher that no one liked. He was boring, he talked in a monotone voice and really there is such thing as critizim and constructive critisim, what he did was insult. Heck he told my mom once at teacher interviews that he hated me. Now after that I had another English teacher who i had a love hate relationship with. The one semester I had her, a friend and I had to do a paper together; i wanted to make a good impression since she had her favorites and I want to fit into that. SHe was a hard woman, who marked as all like we were in college. So in high school, I know its getting us ready for college but really it was overwhelming. Anyways I wanted to make a good impression, so I worked hard on it, including asking another teacher to review my paper and help me. He did, turns out she accused me of plagurizing, she wrote on the paper hard to mark words that were not yours. They were, the person I was working with was the one who plagurised her part but I got in trouble for mine. After a lot of issues I ended up fixing getting it fixed. But it was also this teacher who helped push my writing abililty. I expressed an interest in a writing class and she was willing to help teach it which also got me extra credits! So really a love hate relationship.

Another prof I had was my accounting prof... he made me laugh and encouraged me with out implying I was stupid when I didn't understand or get something. Really he made my day when I had classes with him

Now college... Hmm well I had a fantastic english prof when I had to upgrade, he not only encouraged me but worked with me to understand and really improve up to where I needed to get into the school itself. When I was going for my degree, I can really think of two profs that stood out the most to me, both helped me and encouraged me, and i know showing my work and that iput in the effort I would achieve. I wrote some of my best papers for them and earned every mark I got. The one totally understood on my capstone I was paired up with two who made my life hell. I tired to do work with them, and be included but they would just go in and do it leaving me out. When all things failed and we had to write the report on it, they basically dropped all the blame on me. I went to my prof who understood.

There was two profs in that school that I could not stand. One hated me from the first class just because I asked a simple question and he attacked me for it, the other wanted to see how much work he could pile onto us. I wouldn't change my professors for the world, even the bad ones all taught me something, lesson I have learned.

Blog Challenge and 100 days update

So I have decided to do the 30 day blog challenge, but at the same time I am going to keep updating on my 100 day challenge So far today on the 100 days alraedy messed up wtih having a small slurpee that Jese brought me, its 8 am and I am already having a rotten day. I really do need good today. And I can say that I am moodier then Hell. I don't even want to be near me. I did a weigh in last night and I am starting at 226 pounds.. first goal for end of the month is to be done the 6 pounds. I need to get myself on track. Right now so tired though, went to bed but still woke up so tired. Still going to do the stairs and have asked my dad to help me create a spread sheet so I can record it and my progress. When I hit to being able to do that up and down 7 times in 10 minutes I will be adding another floor onto my mix. That's the update for now... will do my first blog challenge post shortly

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The restart.... LET"S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am restarting my 100 day challenge; and I know I keep saying this but I have high hopes for myself this time. I am setting little things, making plans but it is time to make these plans actions. I have problem areas I need to work on, thighs, hips, and my ass, along with my arms need toning. And I have been trying to figure out a plan to do so.

   Now Christa at my work who looks to be in fantastic shape. She on her breaks takes the stairs. I thought why not, it seems to work great for her. So it started yesterday, taking the stairs on my breaks. I went from the 15th floor to the 19th floor, two sets of stairs per floor. The first break I made the trip three times, the second trip I made it four times!.

 Went home that night and hit the treadmill for half an hour, so a bit sore today. Not sure I will do as well on the stairs today but going to try and not giving up. I hate the phrase no pain no gain, but right now its on my mind since my body is sore. I spent money this weekend I should not have spent, but picked up a bathingsuit; mainly because I knew I wouldn't find one in my size again when I go looking for it, and I want to get into aquasize or something, I use to love swiming.

  So I talked to Claudia someone who I use to go swiming with all the time as kids, since I was sure I remember her saying something about going to do that. Turns out I was right, she is going to look into times and get back to me, and we can go together. I especially want the first couple of times to go with someone to get use to it before I start going on my own. I need and want to get in shape, heck I remember how much I liked it when i was 55 pounds lighter then I was now, only a short bit again.

My goal right now is to get back to the 170. I am not going to waste what I was given the chance to achieve and right now that is exactly what I am doing. I need to start doing better, and eatting right. So I am starting the 100 day thing again. This time I will rock it. I need to start training too, I want to do the breast cancer walk in OCT, and I want to work the 5km. My first goal is to be down 5 pounds by the end of feb.

  So starting today Feb 11, 2014 my 100 days starts! May 21, 2014 is my 100th day.

1)Do stairs at work two a day - record on excel spread sheet
2)Record all eatting
3)Hit treadmill daily. If not doing stairs on that particular day then treadmill for an hour and leg exercises)
  4)Three times a week need to do arm exercises
5)No eating after 8pm
6)Cut down on portion sizes
7)blog more often to report my progress,  this should keep me in line

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Disappointed in myself

I keep screwing up, everything I worked for I keep messing up. I am back tracking so badly and I am not sure how to fix it. I have gained back a lot of weight that I need to remove it. I need to get back to what I was at Rhea's wedding and that is going to happen. I screwed up on my 100 days and I am going to restart it. I will succeed. I have made goals before and been able to keep them, why am I having such a hard time now? My personal goal is to be down 26 pounds by May 18. I want to be be below 200 again; the amount I swore I would never be at again. I have to change some habits I have picked up.