Tuesday, October 01, 2013

New month, a new me.....

Wowie, Vacation did a good number of things for me.  Most good with the exception of the cold I got.  I had a fantastic time on vacation, seeing the Pacific Ocean and touching it for the first time.  But really this vacation gave me a lot of time to do some serious thinking about my life.  Real thinking;   years ago I made a promise to someone, and I kept it.   Now I have made new promise in the last bit and never kept one; which deeply disappoints me since usually when I make a promise I keep it; it was something you could count on.  

But really this vacation time; I did some thinking about what I want out of life and decided to write down some goals

Pay off all credit cards
Purchase new lap top
Save for new car
Save for moving out
Save for vacation
Lose 30 pounds by may
Lose another 40 pounds by Dec
Finish Nano this year…. Focus on my writing
Exercise 5 days out of the week
No more slurpees
No more wasting money (buying food etc)

I need to start doing something with my life,   really taking a good look at what’s out there and what I want out of life.    Whether that means cleaning up aspects, like whom I am around and friends with, which means even face book, time for a change.  I want to be a different person, a better person.  Part of it is the being sick again,   with all that is going on I am so sick of being sick.  I spoke with my doctor yesterday and they are saying the Iron infusions I have been having will be a long term thing.  I wish we could just find out what is going on. 

I have a big treatment this week that I am scared for.  Three hours long instead of the hour and a half which makes me sick, and I am scared what this one will do.   I really want some results.   The lack of iron makes me look so sick,  and I am always tired, no energy to actually exercise, this sucks so badly/

Got to push onward

Step one: will be to clean out  my Facebook list

1 comment:

  1. All that time being awake before me was thinking time? :) Love you sweetie... I'm soooo very glad you had a good time visiting me. I loved having you here. I am in your corner and will support you in you list of goals as best I can. GOOOOOO Treen, GOOO
