Wednesday, October 23, 2013


So as I previous mentioned my dad wants me to do more things around the house. Well I already do a ton, but like the hell he would notice. Now this shift I am on the 7 am to 3:30 shift. To not be late I leave the house by 5 am. Now seriously....SERIOUSLY I can't do the dishes in the Am, no one is up. Well came home after enough crap at work today and My mom got the water ready to do the breakfast dishes but I did them, and she then asks "Are you taking the dog for a walk?" I had said no because I had already been later then normal thanks to being stuck at work and a late bus. I still had the dishes to do, the garbage to do and the recycle... then its like I should take her, since she threw in a load of laundry in the wash and I had to wait to shower anyways. Managed to do all that and come home, to shower, managed to eat supper at 6... which I hate and oh yeah Do the supper dishes. What did my mom do, came home and made lunches (I never asked her to make mine, she just cuts up my veggies etc, but i never asked and have already told her many times she didn't have to do it). Make my dad's lunch since if she doesn't he wont eat; fried up some sausages and reheated some pasta for supper..... yup that is it. ME, I came home did the dishes twice, the garbage, recycle, kitty litter, I am up and out the door before them and I am doing the crap. If i am home before them I get well why didn't you make tea... Oh and she said to me on that she is thinking about getting me to stop at subway on the way home on Friday; first off I already told her I am driving to work on Friday and second I don't want to stop, the construction in that area is horrible and people are driving like idiots because of the massive construction at the all. SHe has only been hinting all week about wanting me to pick her up watermelon etc. I never get paid back for this stuff. At the most what she picks me up is usually slurpees; and I Have told her many times before not to pick me up the other stuff. I have even complained on here about the feeling that she is sabotaging me ARGGGGH

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