Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's been two years

Today it has been two years; a shocking two years…. My uncle Dave passed away two years ago today.   Now I do say shocking although   at one time it wouldn’t have been so shocking, given that he was a drug addict.  

Through my whole life my uncle did drugs, even pot here and there, went into other stuff but always went back to the pot.    I seen the problems it caused my whole family, the stress it put on my grandparents and even my parents.  Holidays with my mom worrying about him, where ever he was hoping he was ok, and getting a good meal.    I wont lie he pissed me off after my grandma died.   I was suppose to live with my grandparents however that changed when she passed and my grandfather to help out my uncle for my grams sake,   allowed him to live there. He was supposed to pay rent, he was supposed to help out and take care of it.    That never happened,   my grandfather fell and hurt himself my uncle was no where around.   When he passed away I found my grandfather on the floor of his dining room, he had been there over night. Now don’t get me wrong,   he would have passed away anyways, but he would not have been there over night, and I would not have found him.

Now it took a big incident for my uncle to clean up his life, getting the help and treatment he needed.  The thing was he was two… maybe three years clean when it happened.  He passed away in his sleep, they say a diabetic coma.   Although they found traces of morphine in his system etc, which shouldn’t have been there; supposedly he died clean.  Now, my mom and aunt can say he died clean and they can accept that. I don’t.      But now it’s been two years since he passed… and to me I am still shocked.

There have been many issues with it already.  My mom had posted up on his memory wall on face book, how she use to worry about him on holidays not knowing where he was.  My aunt replied that she never worried; she knew where he was, supposedly at her house.  This pissed me off,   she allowed my mom to worry with out calling her to let her know, or even making him call… I mean the respect of that.  But then again, my aunt has been a type of person where it’s all about her; unless it benefits her why would she do it.  

Now where I am leading with this is also really about drugs; as I said my uncle was always doing drugs, and it always went back to pot. SO when people say its not addicting, or it’s not that bad, it does piss me off.  Really then why do you feel you have to do it?  It is addicting, or else it wouldn’t be something you need to unwind etc etc.  My one friend posts up crap all the time about it, and even the benefits of it; sorry I will never believe something that is equal to four smokes lowers my risk of cancer.  Not on your life; nor will I ever like the smell, or the way people act on it. I seen enough crap and honestly no I don’t see the big like for it.  This same friend is the one who hates people supposedly preaching about religion etc, at the same time she preaches about pot.

To me the whole thing is childish, and really something people should have out grown.  But then I have noticed a lot of things lately that just seem so immature.  One example is the vandalism I seen lately. Now don’t get me wrong it is probably teens etc, but it’s not all teens.    I arrived at my bus shelter the other day to see it shattered.  All I could think of is that, this is not he first time this has happened and if they keep it up, we will lose the shelter.   There is a lot of this going around, and I wonder when we seem to back track from adult hood and maturity to being a child?  Is the stress of today’s word too much to take?  If that is the case what will happen to the kids of today?  They worry so much about their self esteem, and that, they don’t want to give them tests.   They discourage competitiveness; heck some places removed foot ball and other sports from schools because kids might get hurt.  What is going on with this world today? Are we so sensitive and over protective that we can’t allow kids to be kids any more? I had exams and such in school.  I played sports, it is a part of life, and with out it are we really doing the kids any good or setting them up for failure?

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