Friday, January 06, 2012


A  New Year, a new blog; but first off I just want to wish everyone a Happy New YEAR.

I wanted to start this blog and year off with something that has been going on in my life. 
Been really thinking about this:

What happen to Thank You(s)?   Are there now etiquette rules that tell us when we should or should not wish a thank you? 

I know many times people say a true friend or family does not need a thank you;   but does that refer to only them being there for you?  Is it considered a separate issue for presents?  If I gave someone a gift for their birthday or Christmas,   is a thank you no longer necessary?  And say that person was not there to receive the gift from me but was passed to the receiver from a second party . . . does that mean a person does not have to call up, or drop a quick note of thanks?  

I know people say no thanks is needed or  when the saying does say a true friend does not a thank you . . . is it still not proper to give that thanks?  Is it a generational thing?   I know growing up,   please and thanks you(s) were drilled into me,   to which I am grateful.  But to others my age I have seen a rather large lacking of this social politeness.   And yet people in the generation below mine seem to be doing alright with it, while some in the generation above me seem to be lacking.  

Really what has caused this issue?  As the world’s expectation inflated and has a person’s right to defend, and protect them selves caused us to leave taking care of ourselves and disappeared to just be selfish or self centre?  I use to admire people who could say no to others, since it’s not something I normally did.  At first I use to see this as selfish and then I realize maybe it wasn’t.  But upon starting to take time for myself, I realized to some extent, depending on how far people take it, it is selfish.   Now I personally believe everyone has a right to be a little bit selfish, however; many people take it way too far.  

Now I know that was a bit off topic but in away it does go hand in hand.

Before we really get into depth of thank you(s) what does it really mean?  According to   Thank you means –
1.)  To express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to:
2.) Thank God - usually to express relief, thankfulness, etc
3.)  Usually 0 a grateful feeling or acknowledgement of a benefit, favor, or the like, expressed by words or other wise.
4.) Thanks – used as an informal expression of gratitude, appreciation,

Upon taking a look at this, really it seems simple doesn’t it?  Then why is it lacking in society today?    Just the other day I waited at a door because I seen a co worker coming, so I was being polite and holding it open for her.  What does she do after she walks through it, but gives me a dirty look.  No thank you or any acknowledgement.  I could have just kept walking, I could have just let the door go in her face, but I was not raised liked that.  I did make a comment of “Your welcome, have a thankful New Year”.  Snotty I know but really three minutes could have had me on the Elevator going down, who’s to say my bus may not have already been there.  She was a generation ahead of me,   in her late 40s or late 50s . . . Now although I have noticed that she isn’t the most approachable person in the office, a thank you couldn’t be that difficult could it?   Maybe it is really just me. 

Am I making too much out of nothing?   And yet really it’s not nothing is it? A simple thank you can be just as affective as a smile.  It can make a person’s day to know that you appreciate their actions, or the gift or anything.

Things have been happening in my house regarding a thank you.  A family member of mine was given Birthday and Christmas presents this past year.  No one heard anything from this individual who could not make it to Christmas but the presents were delivered.  Now finally after not hearing anything   a member of the family asked if they liked them.  What she got back started some issues in the family; never have I know a person to tell their own parents that they hate the presents and proceeded to tell them why they hated them.  Really, do people really do that?  Well this person did  . . .  there are such things as little white lies; and that is another story. 

I would to issue a challenge to the world;    go through a day and see how many thank you(s) you get . . . see where I am coming from; if you get more then one congratulations that just could be a new record.     Look at it this way;   put yourself in the shoes of the person you lack.   Really how would you feel?

Thank you for reading

1 comment:

  1. Well written!

    I completely appreciate your point of view on this and I agree. It's somewhat sad when most of the thank you's come from customers that you've just bent the guidelines a bit because you can't stand to see people suffer. LOL


    Thank you for writing... now, write a story... lol
