Surprise, Surprise
Here we go again, so it’s a facebook thing again. So my “sibling” decided to post up in his about me on facebook that he was a bisexual man in an open marriage and looking for friends with benefits. Now really, I have no issues with a person being bisexual, gay or anything of the sort and to each their own, in life, frig if you want an open marriage that is between you and your partner.
Now he posted this up, but his wife did not. Does she know they are in this open marriage? And ven still why make it public? I mean I know people who are in an open marriage, or swingers and they do not make this public, out of respect for their marriage, their families and friends and even their kids. But that is not happening in this case. He announces it and as normal does not care how it affects anyone else.
Now another aspect is him saying he is bi, this I doubt, you can be attracted to the same sex sure, turned on by this, but does that make you bi? No it makes you curious until you have gone that next step then your not bit but just curious
Now really another aspect that bother me is really if she Okayed this open marriage and he announces it, I am sorry it seems only one sided. Does she not have any self respect? Seriously I have lost any ounce of respect I had left for her (not that there was much left, and none for him at all). Fine have your open marriage, but really keep it private
I believe in one person marriages/ relationships; If you want to sleep with someone then why be married or in a relationship. I have seen some of these relationships and there is always an agreement in place, but in the end someone misunderstands the agreement or something changes… leading to the end of it..
Even yesterday he posted up a whole if you don’t like what I post on here then unfriend me….. I think he is not realizing that you are on the internet, it’s a public area, that you leave it open to public opinion, you can’t complain about public opinion.
I am tired of this crap. I want a relationship or marriage that is between two people not three or more. .
Had other stuff on my mind lately trying to work through it slowly and eventually will write it out here I am sure. Just need to take the time to reorganize my thoughts so I can get them down.
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