Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just need to get away

It is my late shift at work and I am hoping to use this time today to get in a blog post as well as perhaps do some writing.  I miss doing the writing.   Tired today,  going  from 7 am shifts to this 12:30 to 9 shifts is not easy, and next week I am back to 7 ams since I requested them.  My parents are going away next week, at least the last part of the week, heading to Sask to see the rental houses.  So from Wednesday I have the house to myself,  a plus.  I did switch a shift so  I have a whole house to myself for a full day, YAHOO.  I know that sounds strange but the peace of just me, feeling like my own space is a good one.  I would love to be a lazy butt and lazy around but thats is just not me.  Plan on doing a little bit of house work,  going for a walk with the dog,   start planning for  my trip, what to bring, what I need to have done before I go, just a few things.

As for other things going on in my life, well this monday is my parents Ann, 35 years.  Good for them, not to many people make it that far or even that close, especially not in my family.   Will see if a "family" member calls them and wishes them good wishes, but to be honest I really doubt that will happen, of course unless this person doesn't realize there is a problem. 

Another thing going on that is bothering me is people who make plans or commitments and yet either forget or decide if they do not mention them then   they will go away.   This one person has done it multiple times to me, and given signs its going to happen again with Heritiage days.  I had made an event on facebook inviting a few people to go for the day, stating either Aug 5 or 6, depending on if when Julie comes we are going to Empty town first or heritage days depending on  the schedule of my parents.  that is on the event thing, but it looks like (going by what someone else posted up on her wall) that she may have plans for the aug 4,  which sounds to be probably camping (it is usually what she does esp since it is a long weekend).  I put on there a comment asking what she was doing and no reply,  why because I am sure she believes if she does not answer then I will forget or not realize it.  

Work is going well,  a few issues, such as the new agents making some big mistakes, now i know they are new and i know my class made some  mistakes however this are major mistakes.  The other classes have only made slight ones and not ones that would cost the company a ton of money.  Three days in a row all I am doing is fixing these problems, I am seriously   wanting to slam my head into a wall.   There is a little less garbage going around for the past couple of days, so that is a plus.  In other words I haven't gotten in trouble for a couple of days.      I wont lie I am pushing for the weekend,  feel like I just need to get away.  

On a good note,  Vegas in  26 days.  At this time next month I will have seen ELVIS!!!

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