Today I am hoping to have a good day, its not looking to bad. The work crews started on fixing the basement problem yesterday. YEAH. So that feels great that something is starting to get done. I am going to donate blood again today, looking forward to it. Not just because its 2 hours off the phone but also because I was told my blood type is kind of rare so people do need it. So that is another plus in my books. One thing I haven't done in awhile is write; to which I really need to do. Its like I crave it and probably one of the reasons I have been moody for the past bit.
My Vegas trip is nearly here, after today its 45 days or a month and a half. Its hard to believe its nearly April. This year has already gone by so quickly. Life is interesting, the same drama from the same people, but hey, I guess that is apart of life. Some people can't help needing that attention or craving it. Some people just can't seem to avoid it. I personally try to keep things to myself.
One thing I forgot to mention is about two weeks ago we finally got the results of my uncles autopsy. After years of drug abuse he finally got clean. He was working at the Hope Mission, living near to it, getting his life together. Well I guess the years of drugs took a toll on him. He was pretty sick, Pneumonia I guess, which complications from his diabetics and his heart (he had gained a lot of weight after stopping the drugs). All played a part in his death, they also found codeine in his system and morphine. Now the Morphine makes no sense, an ex drug addict with that in his system is not a good thing. Makes me wonder how he got that, my mom and aunt think it may have been in a pain killer. Most doctors wont give morphine to an ex druggie. The codeine may have been in cough medicine, which also may explain the alcohol they found in his system as well. The Morphine is what is out of place, they need to and choose to believe he died clean, I do have my doubts, but I will let them have what they need. Still have not told my other sibling the results and you know what, that does not bother me. With his attitude etc, and with what is going on with him, my parents aren't calling him nor will I. I am happy he is not in my life, in a way I finally feel at peace, finally. Some things I can not change, some things I wish I could but they make me who I am today.
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