Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I will never understand people any more; and I have never been so disgusted about anything in my life as I am about this. There were pictures showing a Halloween party and one of those pictures has a person dressed as a drag Hitler…. In this picture two people are doing the Nazi salute… I mean really when did this become an acceptable thing? When did it become something we can joke about? I did report it but the site Admins think its ok, it’s not a hate symbol> HELLO it’s the KING of hate symbols. What is wrong with people to day and especially the youth that they would even begin to think that this sort of thing is acceptable! Is it because they never lived through such horrors? Well neither did I but I know it’s not appropriate at all. Don’t get me wrong Hitler did some good for people, but his crimes were not something to celebrate; and should not be used in that matter. Maybe it’s because these people never really finished school or focused on what they were learning. Not paying attention in social class to know Hitler was no joke. What he did to those people was no joke… If a celebrity did what these people did in those photos there would be a huge public outcry… so why does this person think its ok? And why did other people find it a joke. I mean really people come on. Hitler was no joke. I am totally ashamed to say the one person in the photo was family… (Although this person was not dressed up as that) the idea was still that they found it acceptable. I am really scared for the future of our society

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


So as I previous mentioned my dad wants me to do more things around the house. Well I already do a ton, but like the hell he would notice. Now this shift I am on the 7 am to 3:30 shift. To not be late I leave the house by 5 am. Now seriously....SERIOUSLY I can't do the dishes in the Am, no one is up. Well came home after enough crap at work today and My mom got the water ready to do the breakfast dishes but I did them, and she then asks "Are you taking the dog for a walk?" I had said no because I had already been later then normal thanks to being stuck at work and a late bus. I still had the dishes to do, the garbage to do and the recycle... then its like I should take her, since she threw in a load of laundry in the wash and I had to wait to shower anyways. Managed to do all that and come home, to shower, managed to eat supper at 6... which I hate and oh yeah Do the supper dishes. What did my mom do, came home and made lunches (I never asked her to make mine, she just cuts up my veggies etc, but i never asked and have already told her many times she didn't have to do it). Make my dad's lunch since if she doesn't he wont eat; fried up some sausages and reheated some pasta for supper..... yup that is it. ME, I came home did the dishes twice, the garbage, recycle, kitty litter, I am up and out the door before them and I am doing the crap. If i am home before them I get well why didn't you make tea... Oh and she said to me on that she is thinking about getting me to stop at subway on the way home on Friday; first off I already told her I am driving to work on Friday and second I don't want to stop, the construction in that area is horrible and people are driving like idiots because of the massive construction at the all. SHe has only been hinting all week about wanting me to pick her up watermelon etc. I never get paid back for this stuff. At the most what she picks me up is usually slurpees; and I Have told her many times before not to pick me up the other stuff. I have even complained on here about the feeling that she is sabotaging me ARGGGGH

A bunch of rambles

Well, probably should learn to keep my mouth shut before I get in trouble again. But things can be so frusrated. Things have been really busy, and stressful and yet they will allow people who are not here all the time and have less experience to be in a supportive role. It has a frusrated a lot of us who are feeling run down by the busyness. At the same time I was talking to another person about an icident that happened and I got in trouble for but really I was doing my job; and this same person who is the person who gets the supporting role, over heard. Now I know she doesn't like me, but I don't care. It isn't right she gets a favortism role and the rest of us are working are butts off for her to not have too. Actually there are a lot of unfair practices right now but i guess life isn't fair is it. Things are going ok I guess, feeling a bit overwhelm trying to get ready for nano and even just feel like I have a ton to do. Yet I don't actually have a lot to do. It feels like there is new drama every day and I would love to just get away from it all. A day or two anything really. Work we are doing a change over soon; will be starting training again which will be interesting. I do look forward to it, but i hate the learning part. What else is going on in my life; well family still fighting; I still have nothing to do with my "sibling and his wife". The more I hear about them the more frusrated I get, they complain about money and get out to eat all the time. They want to have kids (heaven help us if they do) and tell people to give them money for artifical insemination. So many things, they expect people to take care of them or to hand them things. Even like their apartment buliding is having a person come into the buliding to spray for ants.... they complained first about where they are going to go for 4 hours with their cat as well as wanting people to come over and help them clean before the guy comes. How many times do people ahve to go over there to help them clean. Are they not suppose to be adults and clean up after themselves. I know I am not the cleanest person, but I will never get to that extent, it will drive me nuts.... Which leads me into the next thing; I was told I needed to start helping my mom out more around the house. Now frig I already do a ton of stuff, while my dad sits on his ass and never helps her... I should start doing more dishes, I should start doing this and that. This last rent, I did more then I normally do and yet my rent was higher then normal, its getting frusrating. But then its not the first thing we have argued over this week Oh and if i hear my mom say I am moody and emotional one more time I will scream. She doesn't understand a perosn can get frurated or she pushes too much and it drives me nuts. Or even I would like some privacy, doesn't see any of that. Other then that, thats a bit off my mind, in no real order at all.....

Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's been two years

Today it has been two years; a shocking two years…. My uncle Dave passed away two years ago today.   Now I do say shocking although   at one time it wouldn’t have been so shocking, given that he was a drug addict.  

Through my whole life my uncle did drugs, even pot here and there, went into other stuff but always went back to the pot.    I seen the problems it caused my whole family, the stress it put on my grandparents and even my parents.  Holidays with my mom worrying about him, where ever he was hoping he was ok, and getting a good meal.    I wont lie he pissed me off after my grandma died.   I was suppose to live with my grandparents however that changed when she passed and my grandfather to help out my uncle for my grams sake,   allowed him to live there. He was supposed to pay rent, he was supposed to help out and take care of it.    That never happened,   my grandfather fell and hurt himself my uncle was no where around.   When he passed away I found my grandfather on the floor of his dining room, he had been there over night. Now don’t get me wrong,   he would have passed away anyways, but he would not have been there over night, and I would not have found him.

Now it took a big incident for my uncle to clean up his life, getting the help and treatment he needed.  The thing was he was two… maybe three years clean when it happened.  He passed away in his sleep, they say a diabetic coma.   Although they found traces of morphine in his system etc, which shouldn’t have been there; supposedly he died clean.  Now, my mom and aunt can say he died clean and they can accept that. I don’t.      But now it’s been two years since he passed… and to me I am still shocked.

There have been many issues with it already.  My mom had posted up on his memory wall on face book, how she use to worry about him on holidays not knowing where he was.  My aunt replied that she never worried; she knew where he was, supposedly at her house.  This pissed me off,   she allowed my mom to worry with out calling her to let her know, or even making him call… I mean the respect of that.  But then again, my aunt has been a type of person where it’s all about her; unless it benefits her why would she do it.  

Now where I am leading with this is also really about drugs; as I said my uncle was always doing drugs, and it always went back to pot. SO when people say its not addicting, or it’s not that bad, it does piss me off.  Really then why do you feel you have to do it?  It is addicting, or else it wouldn’t be something you need to unwind etc etc.  My one friend posts up crap all the time about it, and even the benefits of it; sorry I will never believe something that is equal to four smokes lowers my risk of cancer.  Not on your life; nor will I ever like the smell, or the way people act on it. I seen enough crap and honestly no I don’t see the big like for it.  This same friend is the one who hates people supposedly preaching about religion etc, at the same time she preaches about pot.

To me the whole thing is childish, and really something people should have out grown.  But then I have noticed a lot of things lately that just seem so immature.  One example is the vandalism I seen lately. Now don’t get me wrong it is probably teens etc, but it’s not all teens.    I arrived at my bus shelter the other day to see it shattered.  All I could think of is that, this is not he first time this has happened and if they keep it up, we will lose the shelter.   There is a lot of this going around, and I wonder when we seem to back track from adult hood and maturity to being a child?  Is the stress of today’s word too much to take?  If that is the case what will happen to the kids of today?  They worry so much about their self esteem, and that, they don’t want to give them tests.   They discourage competitiveness; heck some places removed foot ball and other sports from schools because kids might get hurt.  What is going on with this world today? Are we so sensitive and over protective that we can’t allow kids to be kids any more? I had exams and such in school.  I played sports, it is a part of life, and with out it are we really doing the kids any good or setting them up for failure?

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Been a short bit since my last post but had some time to think.  Now I haven't done so well on the cleaning out the friends list thing, but slowly working through it.  Some people are harder to get rid of then others, just because I don't want to deal with the backlash that would come with the removal, even though face book doesn't represent real life.  I have been finding myself ignore more and more things on there, people and their comments etc, which is a huge achievement for me and just playing a few games. Nothing major but just to relax myself;  Criminal case,  backgammon, scrabble, and a game called odd socks which really is matching socks out of a dryer¦ something I hate doing  in person.    Anyways there has been this one thing that has been bothering me and I can't ignore it.  

Especially when one friend keeps posting this garbage up; she posts up things about how people treat other people and suck 
"From this point on I'm going to treat people exactly how they treat me. Some should be glad. Others should be scared"
Now this bothers me especially coming from this person.    I mean really how she knows that perhaps people got to that point to her long ago and had decided to dish back to her the same treatment she has been handing out for YEARS.  I mean she is a tough love gal, and I do get that but really there is a time to soften things sometimes.   The last time we spoke she bit my head off, because I offered her help and honestly through the years she has always bit my head off.  She states she has more life experience then me; if you call doing drugs, drinking all the time, Partying and sleeping around etc life experience, I think I will skip those lessons.  I can't say she makes the best choices all the time; but I will never say my choices are better then anyone's.  Just because I do not like something doesn't make it the right choice.  Now  I have know this person a long time, and  through all those times she  doesn't exactly tell the truth when she tells stories;  and I just agree to go  not cause problems since I know her well enough and I know my saying anything would do just that cause issues. 

Now I have been pretty sick, and I did mention it to her, and I got she would be coming to see me etc
. well that never happened, went to a party instead. She is upset because she thought my dog barked and nipped at her dog. Which did not happen, my dog was beside me, she had her back turned let her dog (although on a leash) run and her little dog snapped etc at mine. I had tried to pull my back but she did bark back, thinking that dog was playing; why because that is how our little dogs do play. It is stuff like that; I took her out for dinner for my birthday; and through the meal she proceeded to point out my flaws and what I do wrong in life. How I really shouldn't care about my parents feelings, and stuff about my mom hurting etc. That may be her but I am a family person so yes my mom being upset at something going on in the family is an issue. Or over all something going on in the family are a big deal and not no big deal¦ not your problem as she stated She always talks about how much her family hates her etc, or her gram hated her, and all I can think no kidding with that attitude you give off. I can totally see why they hate you. Stop acting like your so cool and better then everyone. Things got to the last straw, many promises made and non kept and I hate that; down right sick of it. So to her statement yes I got to that point, I am treating you how you been treating me for years. Don't like it not my issue; all your work issues etc, your co workers hate you etc, are your own doing, stop giving the attitude and perhaps you would make friends of them. Now that little one was not the only one she posted but posted up one saying  
"nothing is nicer then having someone who appreciates you in the smallest things. Accepts you in times of hardships. Comforts you when you're in trouble.  Loves you no matter what and is simply happy having you in their life.
 Now don't get me wrong I could say that about people, but around her I just can't.  She brings me down, makes me feel horrible about myself every time.  And I really can't say offers any comforts. The only thing you will ever get from her is tough love and really there is tough love and then there is what she dishes out and its really not healthily at all.  She talks about getting rid of the bad and karma and negativity, well her definition of karma is not correct, and she puts the negativity on herself, so it really comes down to how much a person can take.  And yet, I know she is one of those ones I can not delete from face book why because of the stupid 

So really in response to all those she posts, I am not scared,   you already treat me like crap,  I just have been spending my time living my life and ignoring you. Not much else I can do.   Just remind me to never make plans with her again;    I don't need the depression to set in.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

New month, a new me.....

Wowie, Vacation did a good number of things for me.  Most good with the exception of the cold I got.  I had a fantastic time on vacation, seeing the Pacific Ocean and touching it for the first time.  But really this vacation gave me a lot of time to do some serious thinking about my life.  Real thinking;   years ago I made a promise to someone, and I kept it.   Now I have made new promise in the last bit and never kept one; which deeply disappoints me since usually when I make a promise I keep it; it was something you could count on.  

But really this vacation time; I did some thinking about what I want out of life and decided to write down some goals

Pay off all credit cards
Purchase new lap top
Save for new car
Save for moving out
Save for vacation
Lose 30 pounds by may
Lose another 40 pounds by Dec
Finish Nano this year…. Focus on my writing
Exercise 5 days out of the week
No more slurpees
No more wasting money (buying food etc)

I need to start doing something with my life,   really taking a good look at what’s out there and what I want out of life.    Whether that means cleaning up aspects, like whom I am around and friends with, which means even face book, time for a change.  I want to be a different person, a better person.  Part of it is the being sick again,   with all that is going on I am so sick of being sick.  I spoke with my doctor yesterday and they are saying the Iron infusions I have been having will be a long term thing.  I wish we could just find out what is going on. 

I have a big treatment this week that I am scared for.  Three hours long instead of the hour and a half which makes me sick, and I am scared what this one will do.   I really want some results.   The lack of iron makes me look so sick,  and I am always tired, no energy to actually exercise, this sucks so badly/

Got to push onward

Step one: will be to clean out  my Facebook list